The take-off and successful landing of a flight is CREW aided, the same goes for the ship on the sea and other great movements. Imagine a flight without any air hostess; or better still, with complete air hostess yet without any pilot? Your guess is as good as mine. It is a normal thing to confirm which CREW member that should be on particular trip. So I ask you; who is going with you on board flight 01 2041? +Henry Ford in our yesterday's post said; I will build cars... but he also said he will need the best of men in the field to bring this great dream into reality. Pause for some miniutes and ask yourself sincerely; who is on this trip with me?
Do you remember when Henry Ford needed a V8 engine? He turn to his crew members to work on it even when they did not believe it was possible. Some how they worked on it until V8 became a reality. Am sure if Henry Ford was sentimental in the selection of his CREW members his clear cut destination of a V8 would have only remained a dream. The lesson is, on the journey this year to success, wealth, promotion etc. You must be clearing who is going with you and what he or she brings to the table no sentiments. Henry Ford wanted a V8 and with his CREW members his dream . You want the best ever abi? Get the right crew of member's
+Unyime Udotai
Your Coach on the Journey.
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